We Serve ..


Ischoola systems offer school management system with vast number of services, tools and applications to have a full integrated online system for school all activities are available with flexible and high performance tools, with one click all accomplished. Surprisingly Budget-Friendly.. yes we help schools to develop their education system. all you have to do is to contact our agent in your country and there you go to start up your boosting curve for excellent education performance More outsourcing for special applications to be implemented in the system of the school for special services to the business need for the school, provide us with your need and let us help you.


Ischoola systems care about teachers very well who are the corner stone of the education systems in the world. ischoola systems treat teachers as a standalone customer, so no need to be a registered teacher in school, join ischoola community to share information and exchange experiences with overseas teachers. It’s time to be known nationally and internationally as long as you deserve it , time to rise up teachers to next level of competition with their rivals in other countries . Take your books, sheets and questions wherever you go assign your lessons to your selected students in any school, follow up your students anywhere home, school, overseas and save your time to accomplish more with little effort.


Ischoola systems offer services for school owners to save money and get best use of their investment through our programs we introduce, to use their resources and avoid money wasting leakage in their investment.


Ischoola systems careing for students is unlimited. student future is our main goal not only to gain knowledge and experience, but to help student to gain best of the best in education and his abilities. Unlimited services for students are offered no matter how people see you, you will always be the focus of ischoola systems, increase your abilities and choose your school , follow up with your teachers and update yourself with the news of your interest.


Students’ families are one of our priorities as it’s well known that no healthy student without healthy media that can be raised in , ischoola systems do not only give school management systems for schools, but it also support connectivity between parents and their students to watch their performance during the year , we do our best to provide parents with all services and products it that can help them to make better way for their students future .